Cuban people and colors

Cubans are among the friendliest and most honest people in the world. They warmly interact with everyone, are willing to give their time and attention, and are generous with money. There is no shortage of goodwill and human warmth in Cuba; Cubans happily interact among themselves and take an interest in their surrounding environment. Family ties and relationships with friends are highly valued.

Cuba is enticing and provocative – full of contradictions and not always easily understood. It is a country pulsating with a colorful culture, rhythms of music, history, and passion. Here, the rhythms and melodies of African, European, and Caribbean cultures merge seamlessly.


It is well known that a trip to Cuba and to Havana is akin to a journey into the recent past: grand, time-worn buildings, old classic cars, and a rich history beckon visitors to this country. At the beginning of the 20th century, the capital of Cuba shone with its distinctive architecture, rivaling the construction history of America's Gilded Age. During this period, Havana was adorned with buildings reflecting new stylistic trends in architecture, such as Art Nouveau (modern), Art Deco, and eclectic design. To this day, Havana remains one of the most memorable cities in the world for its architecture, a true paradise for city photographers. Its buildings vividly reflect the social and political history of the region from the Spanish colonial times to the present day.


Coffee, introduced to Cuba in the mid-18th century, thrived exceptionally well, and soon the country itself became a major coffee bean grower and exporter. Indeed, coffee cultivation so transformed the island's landscape that the first coffee plantations are now included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Cubans drink very strong coffee from small cups. Consuming 5-7 cups of coffee per day is a common occurrence. In rural areas, it is customary to grow coffee trees and dry and grind the beans at home. The "Cubita" variety is considered the most popular.


Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea. Its landscape is extraordinarily diverse, rich with various cities and beaches, reflecting the geography of the entire Caribbean Sea. Nature has endowed Cuba with unique features, making it an ideal destination for tourists. A major attraction is the 5,745 km long coastline, abundant with various beaches, with the Varadero sands stretching over 20 km. Not to mention the color and structure of the sand... White and fine sand characterizes the coastal stretches that, over centuries, have been shaped by the pounding waves trying to overcome coral reefs. Cuba is one of the Caribbean locations where sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. The coastal waters are very clean and warm, creating perfect conditions for marine flora and fauna.


Cuba could be compared to a car museum. Everywhere you can see vintage American-made cars, from "Oldsmobile" and "Chevrolet" to "Buick" and "Ford." Eye-catching models of "Chrysler" and old "Plymouth" brands are also prevalent. Occasionally, you'll also spot Soviet "Volgas" blending into this colorful mix. For these vehicles, most American car enthusiasts would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet local residents use them daily. The reason for this phenomenon is quite simple – after the 1959 revolution, the import of cars was banned in Cuba.